Leaders and Leadership Development Are Our Priorities. Leadership Is Our Focus.
Through a results-oriented approach, our executive coaching plan helps leaders develop and strengthen a repertoire of skills, including, but not limited to, the learned flexibility to collaborate, establish relationships, build trust, make decisions, and communicate. All vital competences and capacities of highly effective leaders.
Our Services
Executive Coaching
We help leaders meet or exceed their leadership potential by helping them break through their limiting thoughts, emotions, actions and habits. Our approach ultimately strengthens several leadership competencies, including, but not limited to
Critical Thinking
Decision Making
Strategic Thinking
Team Leadership
Emotional Maturity
Strong leaders also display character, and we therefore also focus on how values and beliefs can influence a leader's courage, loyalty, honesty, diligence, and gratitude (Mattone, 2019).
Leadership Development Courses
Charting a Course for Change - Leaders must know their own capabilities and have a vision for themselves and for the organization... More
Setting the Foundation for Growth in Leadership Development -This course uses a client's self-assessment data to map out a plan for further excellence or for improvement...More
Going Forward, Building Trust, Mastering Leadership Competencies - Clients are introduced to eight competencies, including, but not limited to critical thinking, decision making, and communication...More
A Leader's Role in Creating, Strengthening Culture - Learn how a leader's behaviors and actions contribute to a positive, vibrant culture and environment...More
Continuous Learning via Leadership Development Planning - Highly effective leaders are
constantly learning and so are their organizations. In this fast-paced global economy you cannot be
an agile leader unless you are proficient in the competences...More
Our North Star: Equity, Schools Free of Racism, Institutional Biases
Change, as seen through an equity lens, is very difficult but needed work. If schools want to make substantive change in the lives of historically underserved children, they will need to pivot to an emphasis on equity and equity outcomes.
An important component of that change starts with schools assessing their processes and practices and incorporating equity benchmarks,
Our process, which we have used successfully for more than 15 years, helps school leaders intentionally work to eliminate opportunity and achievement gaps through rigorous instructional equity, social and academic support, and adequate resources.
At the same time we assist schools and school districts in identifying and assessing policies and practice that discriminate and/or have inhibited discussions and actions relative to developing equitable outcomes for children.
Principal Coaching, Leadership Development
Principal/Leadership Coaching. We improve the capacities of principals principals through confidential one-on-one
or cohort coaching sessions.
School Site Coaching. We are especially adept at strengthening principals' capacities in all aspects of instructional leadership. Further, we strengthen principals' skills to lead and to create caring communities in their schools so that all students thrive and succeed.
Instructional/Academic Audits
Instructional/Academic Audits help schools identify and analyze instructional and organizational factors that affect teaching and learning. The process examines systems, processes, and practices.
Schools and school systems conduct or participate in audits to:
Assess instructional and organizational practices through document review, observations, and interviews.
Identify areas of strength, problems of practice as well as the barriers and the impediments to improving instruction and student learning.
Provide essential data that the school would then use in improving its instructional program and student achievement.
Typically, schools that have implemented the audit's recommendations make noteable strides in improving instruction and student achievement.
More Than Affordable
Our rates are more than affordable, for we offer a complimentary introductory rate for your first call. We want to earn your trust, demonstrate the high standards of our work and our services, and begin the enjoyable efforts of building strong relationships with you.
Why We Should Be Your Coach?
Our founder:
Has served a superintendent for more than 11 years |Has hired, evaluated, and supervised school leaders for more than 20 years | Currently works with leaders of large organization and school leaders in several states, including, NY, VA, CT, MA, PA, CA, and AL | Is an expert in school turn-around, school improvement, instructional leadership, leadership development| Is an award-winning educator: Superintendent of the Year, Alabama Region 7, in 2016 | Trained at Harvard Universityto be an urban school leader | And is a very proud graduate of Harvard University!